We are concerned with custom electronic device production and on-chip integration.

Development, testing and production of customized electronic devices,
e.g. Baby Monitor, StressMeter, Spectrometer.

ASIC design
Design of application-specific integrated circuits. We will bring your system on a chip in affordable way,
e.g. Mobile payments via MicroSD, Smart Energy.

Our experienced professionals working in international teams utilize the most recent procedures dealing with all stages of design, development, production and custom solutions towards achieving your companies’ goals.

Our partners
We cooperate in a lot of European and worldwide scientific projects, applied research and custom solutions. The company associates excellent scientists, research workers and IC design experts as well as experienced management and technical support, providing altogether high quality research and development potential.

We appreciate and value the trust you place in us and our ideas.
We are self-financed company, and our shares are not listed.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further documentation.